About the Business
Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of healing known to mankind. It originated in China nearly 5000 years ago. The fact that it is still being practised widely today says much about the effectiveness of this treatment and for the truth of the principles on which it is based.
It prevents and treats diseases by stimulating certain points on meridians of the body by using very fine needles (which are hardly thicker than your hair), moxibustion, cupping or massage.
Chinese medicine looks at disease in a very unique way. By taking into account the broader context of your life, from your physical and emotional state through to your lifestyle, the Acupuncture Practitioner can draw on a more complete picture of your condition. On the basis of this, it is possible to see the deeper pattern of disharmony underlying the specific symptoms. Treatment is directed towards correcting the underlying disharmony.
Location & Hours

10 Deeside Drive