About the Business
Traditional acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine – a tried and tested healthcare system that has been practised for thousands of years in China and the Far East. The first known book of Chinese Medicine, the Classic of Internal Medicine of the Yellow Emperor, dates back to between the first century BC and the first century AD. All styles of currently practised around the world trace their roots back to this text.
Acupuncture is widely considered to be beneficial for a range of illnesses and symptoms, from clearly defined complaints to more general feelings of ill health and low energy. Take a look at the British Acupuncture Council’s fact sheet ‘research fact sheet’ here to find out more about how traditional acupuncture can help you.
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18 St. Marks Road
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Chiho Kincaid Acupuncture
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18 St. Marks Road, Derby, DE21 6AH