Doctors Allbright Acupuncture Consultants
Acupuncturist in Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 2TA
About the Business
We are both medical doctors practicing traditional -Classical Five Element acupuncture. We integrate this ancient system of Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion with our knowledge of conventional medicine and western medical acupuncture.
When you are having physical or emotional health problems, we draw on our unique blend of experience to help you. We hope we answer your questions about traditional acupuncture and what happens when you come to us for a consultation and treatment. If we have not, please feel free to speak to us. We are very happy to discuss any aspect of your health. From having worked within and outside of the NHS, together we have over 72 years of experience.
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Traditional Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine, originating in China over 3000 years ago. The Chinese believed that the ill health of a person was related to the state of their chi (pronounced 'chee') or energy. They believed that when you are healthy your chi energy flows through the body freely and with abundance resulting in good health. They believe that when the free flow of energy is interrupted (by conditions such as stress, injury, emotional trauma or infection) a person develops an imbalance or a deficiency in their energy. The longer this energy imbalance stays uncorrected then the more likely hood they are of remaining ill.
Acupuncture involves the placing of specially designed very fine needles and the application of warmth (moxibustion) on to precise areas of your skin called acupuncture points. Traditional acupuncturists believe these procedures help restore balance and help you on the way to recovery.
There is increasing scientific evidence for acupuncture, which shows some observable changes brought about from this ancient form of treatment. However science is not yet and may never be able to measure every aspect of classical acupuncture on a human being.
Location & Hours

Beacon Clinic, Portland Road
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Doctors Allbright Acupuncture Consultants
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Beacon Clinic, Portland Road, Malvern, WR14 2TA