About the Business
Justine Louise Oliver BSc Hons, is a registered member of The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and provides Traditional Chinese acupuncture and holistic massage treatments, including Aromatherapy and Therapeutic Massage. Justine is also a member of the Zita West Network for Reproductive Health, as an Affiliated Acupuncturist and a member of the Acupuncture For Childbirth Team in East Anglia. Justine currently practises from 3 seperate clinics: The Haven in North Elmham, and in Norwich at The Norfolk Clinic and also the Orange Grove in an effort to provide the best choice of location and appointments for all her clients.
Holistic medicine/therapy aims to treat the patient as a whole, this means as well as treating the physical symptoms, the emotional, social and environmental factors are also taken into account. Justine prides herself on being able to provide tailor made treatments for her clients by being able to utilise different techinques from the various disciplines she has studied.
Location & Hours
38-40 Magdalen Road