About the Business
Traditional Acupuncture enables the body, mind and spirit to heal itself, as far as nature will allow. In Chinese medicine any illness or symptom, either physical, mental or of the spirit, is associated with an imbalance of the person's vital life energy, or Qi. When the body sends out distress signals in the form of symptoms it is a sign that there is an imbalance of Qi, which needs to be rebalanced to restore health. This principle of traditional acupuncture is important because it means the underlying cause of the disease is being dealt with rather than the symptoms merely being suppressed only to reappear in the future. As well as dealing with the patient's condition by restoring the overall balance of energy, because traditional acupuncture is holistic and treats everyone as an individual it would be expected that a person might feel better in a general way, promoting an improved quality of life, energy and general well being.
Location & Hours

Lower End